4 Types of Lead Bots To Generate Extra Business

Why Lead Bots? In business, lead generation is the act of creating or stimulating interest in a company’s products or services. Some of the purposes of lead generation are for email list building, list acquisition & lead nurturing, and ultimately for sales opportunities. All these are possible with the help of the right software or companies like Lead Laundry who provide lead generation services that are specially designed to generate a lead for a specific outcome.

Today’s online marketers need robust lead generation capability because in this online world the marketing channels used are much more competitive than what they might have experienced previously. The challenge is, which one can actually generate the most traffic & leads? 

Lead Generation Bots

Lead-Gen Bots are the latest iteration in lead generating tactics; these bots can perform several tasks that other marketing channels do not…and all this on autopilot.  As a result, lead generation bots are much more efficient and are considered to be more effective at generating leads than any other kind of lead tool. 

The 4 Common Types of Lead Bots

  • Facebook Messenger Bots

  • WhatsApp Business Bots

  • SMS Bots

  • Web-Based Bots

Lead generation can be achieved particularly well and at scale through lead bots. The bots are programmed to perform various actions like generating more leads, driving traffic to a certain website or capturing lead information through quizzes or questionnaires. The good news is that this type of method will help you generate more leads faster since there is no need for you to exert any effort or time once the initial setup is completed.  Better still, they can integrate with the rest of your marketing ecosystem, so you can nurture leads overtime to convert into sales.

The most effective way to generate leads is to use paid social media advertising to drive traffic to your bot. The best thing about this is that you will be able to increase the amount of traffic and awareness you get online in the process. The only downside here is that if you do not know how to use paid advertising effectively, this will be a little difficult and could prove costly.

Lead Bots Case Study

Using Google Search Ads to drive traffic to a web-based Lead Bot to generate client quotes, an Interstate Car Carrying Company based in Brisbane, Australia has been able to generate over 3622 qualified leads over a 12 month period.  VIEW BOT HERE

Another great role of lead generation bots is to provide you with a platform to promote your own products and services. This will give your online business a unique edge over the competition. Essentially, this will allow you to reach out to more potential clients.

With lead generators, you will be able to reach out to millions of users without the use of SEO. SEO can be very time-consuming especially when you have a huge number of potential clients to promote to, but with lead generation bots, you can expedite the process and generate marketing-qualified leads faster.

Getting Started With Lead Generation Bots

Now that you have the starting blocks that you need for lead bots, you should go ahead and make a decision to purchase one or a combination of these lead generators; or perhaps to get the best results, hire a lead generation company.  As always, it is best to research first before investing in this area.

Researching your product thoroughly will help you determine if it is what you really need. In the end, you need a reliable product or service that can bring you profits and not just create a headache for your business.

As you can see, lead generation bots and other lead generation tactics are not something to be taken lightly – they are a great investment for your business and ultimately help you get more sales!

Contact Lead Laundry for a demo and proposal for your new Lead Generation Bot.  You can also create your very own web-based bot with Landbot.

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